
Shinji Wiki
If someone wanted a simple definition of what Manga is, the simple definition would be: "A comic book produced in Japan." Like many things in the world, however, Manga is not so easily summed up in a single sentence. Although there is some diversity in the genre, American comic books are typically dedicated to super heroes in tights fighting villains. Manga, however, has a wide variety of popular topics including romance, sports, drama, sci-fi, martial arts and, yes, super heroes.

There is not stigma attached to reading Manga in Japan; businessmen can regularly be seen reading them o­n trains. In fact, Manga is o­ne of the most successful forms of entertainment in Japan. It earns multiple billions of dollars in a single years.

Manga is typically separated into titles for boys (shonen) and for girls (shojo). Of course, the lines often blur and women can be avid fans of shonen titles and vice versa. There is, however, a very clear delineation between books for adults and children. Manga comics for the younger crowd focus o­n high school drama, super heroes, and adventure. Adult comics are often complicated dramas, very violent, are sexually graphic.

Most manga are not published as a single issue, but are rather serialized in anthology magazines which feature several different stories which are released simultaneously. Stories that are popular will be released as o­ne collected story in trade paperback format. Some will even be licensed into either animated television shows or movies.

The export of Manga has become big business as well. North American audiences are purchasing over a hundred million dollars worth of Manga per year. Popular Manga titles in the US include "Death Note", "Naruto", and "One Piece."

The influence of Manga can be seen in books, movies, and television. In fact, "Avatar" director James Cameron is planning to make a live-action film based off of the classic Manga title "Battle Angel Alita."

Manga has become a part of not just Japanese pop culture, but American pop culture as well. And it looks like it is here to stay.